Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today's Lesson: Thank God for Small Mercies

So this morning I woke up to an email from Fiona, for those who don't know her she's the best thing at ADEC. She was emailing me to check in to see if anyone had contacted me. Sadly I had to inform her I had received nothing as of yet and she's going to check on it for me. She strikes me as someone who really has a heart and understand but with very little power. Just her communication helps though.

Now on to the best part of my day so far: My Mom, niece, nephew and I made breakfast for everyone. Always fun! Also I am slightly hair obsessed and every weekend my niece and I do our little hair treatments. She's only 3(she's counting down till our 4th birthday and telling EVERYONE within earshot what she wants for her birthday lol) but it's our little thing. She gets to be just like Auntie KP-yea that's what my family calls me :-) So after I put her "hat" on so her hair can be deep conditioned she gets to play around. It's Sunday at my folks place so every level of the house has music playing...Gospel on the main level, Country in the basement and whatever my sister is listening to on the top level. My nephew and I shared a couple of dances, well mostly spinning and hopping but it was a blast. Oh did I mention he's 2. These are moments that have helped me through this ridiculously uncertain period and I'll always value. Yup I'm feeling thankful today.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today's Lesson: Trust and Deceit

"So what have we learned from this? Never walk away from your job till you have your ticket and are on your way to the airport." Yup I just had those words spoken to me by a friend. Now I know she meant no harm but at this point it was all I could do to keep it together so I promptly got off the phone with her. Who needs to hear such a thing? I mean I think I've done a very good job of beating myself up over this entire situation. I'm sure if you look closely you'd be able to see the bruises. Heck you don't even have to look closely, they're huge and glaring!

I think it's time to admit that I've been taken for a ride. Gave up everything and am left with nothing. Wait. No. That's a lie. I've been left with tons of debt, anxiety, loads of sleepless nights, tons of "be patient/we're working on it/there's a classroom for you/visa processing" emails, it's going to work out sentiments from supportive people and a big pill I now must swallow. So I guess this experience has given me a lot...of things I never wanted nor needed. My life now and as it was a year ago before Teach Away and ADEC stepped into it was not perfect but I was doing very well for my, now it's a struggle. This weekend I move out of my home. I would cry if I had any tears worth wasting. I think I'll save the ones I have left for more important things.

Guess I titled this blog correctly 'cause TeachAway & ADEC have taught me a lesson I shall not soon forgetn and I'm learning what it is to be completely without. My capacity for empathy surely will be increased by this.

Friday, October 22, 2010

'Round and 'Round We Go

So my last post revealed that my visa was denied by the UAE or was it...hmmmm??? Well after a week of multiple emails to everyone associated with this process pleading for clarification-just clarification on my status- I finally heard back. It appears there was an issue, what the issue was I have not been told nor do I expect to be, with my visa application and it's being addressed. So...I should, note: SHOULD, be heading over SHORTLY. I'm keeping the words in red at the forefront of my mind...the UAE definition anyway. We shall see...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Madness of it all

Patient and Flexible, patient and flexible....I think I've been more than patient and flexible. I was given an itinerary to told to pack my things for a flight on Sunday Oct 17! I was so happy I cried. This limbo my life has been in since August was coming to an end. Ha! Should have known better. Hours before I was to leave, after being reassured that everything was ok and that the last batch of visas were coming over from ADEC, I was informed that I would not be going. My visa was denied. Yup. After everything I had been through, after being told everything was just fine, after being told to pack up, after inquiring about my case specifically and being told AGAIN everything was fine...I am told by Nirvana that my visa is denied. I lost it. The tears flowed. I've never felt so broken. In true Kuawogai form however, that did not last long. Within an hour I was emailing and calling everyone I could. Nothing. No reply.

The good news is that I was finally able to sleep. It was final. It was done. I knew what was happening with my life. I had no job at least I knew.

Then brings Monday morning. I wake to an email from the LT network telling me that my visa is being processed and to expect my ticket "momentarily". Ha! That a good one. Knowing what I know now, I emailed asking for clarity. Was Nirvana misinformed? If I have received an answer then the sky is a lovely shade of purple year round. This situation is beyond ridiculous. Feels like a cosmic joke that has been played on me. I was angry but that's just wasted energy. So now I move forward. Hoping for word but knowing the chances are slim. Guess it just wasn't meant to be....ugh!