Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another move?

This week we LTs got an update from our LT Support team. In addition to other news the bolded section below struck a cord with me. I've been hearing for a few weeks that those of us out here in the Ruwais area may be leaving next school year but till last Thursday it was just a rumor. I guess it still is... I would be so sad to leave my school but I must remember the high level of anxiety I had prior to actually moving out here. I hope I get to stay in my oh so comfy place but I'll take what comes. We'll see what happens. Either way I just hope to know something before leaving for the summer.

Transfers (by cycle, by school, by region) will be based upon the administrative needs of schools.  However we do recognize that changing family or personal circumstances may necessitate a transfer request.  Also, planned school mergers and closures will result in the redeployment of a many teachers.  Therefore, we are developing a protocol and process for transfers and information will be sent to all teachers beginning next week.    We appreciate your patience in this matter.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I want my Mom...and I don't care who knows

I'm sick. I don't know what it is but everything hurts. So I took myself to the doctor. Wow! I miss my very thorough Dr. Perry and her very clean office. The doctor spent maybe two seconds with me before perscribing me three medications. One I know as I told her but when I asked about the others she looked at me like I had three horns sticking out of my head and waited for me to leave. Ha! Like that was happening. I sat there till she explained everything and you know I'm still not sure I'm going to take the other two. We shall see....

Hold on tight 'cause here are the 5 star facilities we have in Ghayathi for those of us that aren't top dog....

Monday, April 11, 2011

We're Having A Fair...right?

So tomorrow my school is having a huge Health Fair. In fact this is a two day extravaganza! From what I hear it's going to be a show stopper. From what I hear the kids, well KG2, have songs, plays and poems about being healthy. From what I hear there are sponsors and the Ruwais community will be turning out en masse. From what I hear....

Now for this BIG FAIR, that is being held at the men's rec center, the kids were to have a run through last week Thursday. Didn't happen. It was moved to Sunday. Didn't happen. It was moved to today. Didn't happen. So now I cannot help but wonder will we have a fair tomorrow? Insha'allah it will go off without a hitch but my slightly type A personality is in a bit of a panic. Sad thing is there's nothing I can do to help though I've asked a million times. Oh well...I flow like water, which incidentally is the new joke between the Arabic teachers and I. When things aren't going at all like I was told they would, one will look at me and say "You flow like the water" and it just makes us all smile at the situation.

On another note: I've always loved scarves now being out here in the desert with the whipping wind that easily carries grains of sand that sting on contact I've a deeper appriciation of them. It's nothing for me to walk out these days with my face covered...yes I now understand why these women do what they do.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Turkey & I like you like you're Arab

Before I begin this post I must say Happy Birthday to my dear Aunt Louise. She along with my family raised me to be the person that I am...willing to take chances and open to possibilities. Love you lots...

So I know I promised pics from my spring break trip to Turkey but in true Kuawogai form I forgot my camera. Yup. I left it in my work bag, in my car, at the airport in Abu Dhabi. So no pics folks. Oh well. It was a fun trip overall but it was so nice to come home. I get more and more like my father everyday...for those who don't know him, he's a man that doesn't like to be far from home for very long. I missed the clean, warm UAE on my trip up north. One thing that I've gotten accustomed to in my part of the UAE is men keeping a respectful distance but not in Turkey. I forgot about the reputation of European men. We literally had guys walking behind us yelling "Hello. Hello." "Beautiful" "1, 2, 3,4" lol it was as if they pulled on any English words they could to get our attention. Too funny...

Once back in the UAE it was back to work. I had not washed any of my abayas and as of this posting still haven't. Honestly, it's getting too hot for black. So I broke out my "western" wear. I chose a long floor sweeping skirt, top and a very light cardigan that went to my wrists for work on Sunday. I was very nervous. I wasn't sure of the reaction I would get from my principal and colleagues. When they saw me they were thrilled. Silly me. I forget all the time that women are women and these women LOVE to SHOP lol I was bombarded with compliments followed by where I bought the items. They thought it had to be from the US and were surprised that it all came from Dubai. I told them not to get too used to my clothes though 'cause knowing me as soon as I wash those abayas and I'm feeling lazy I'll surely throw one on. If only it weren't so hot...oh well.

Now as we started our school day our principal was giving a speech about something so I asked one of the KG2 teachers what was happening. Note:I asked her in English and she is bilingual. She looked at me and started answering in Arabic, caught herself and we started laughing. She then said to me she forgets that I'm not Arabic 'cause I act like I am lol. She says "I like you like you're Arab so I want to speak to you in Arabic." I promised her I'd learn shway shway.