Well I've had a phone but needed a SIM card but had been putting off getting one till we had to leave. So last night I absolutely had to get one. As excited as I am about heading to live with the camels, I was not going without mobile communication. Anyway, I learned that th Dh2 bus(#290) would be leaving around 7ish and was running every hourish lol. I love that we're all on CPT here... so I made my way to the bus stop at 6:45pm and caught the bus short while later. It was a nice ride down to Madinat Zayed Shopping Center. I kicked myself for not having paid more attention the first time but when you're with a group you just talk we to much to really take in what's around or the route the bus takes. Had I paid attention I would have seen that the bus literally goes next to the Grand Mosque, something I had wanted to see. It was so beautful, all lit up again the night sky...so peaceful looking. Oh well, I'll be here for the next 2-4 years so I'm sure I'll have ample opportunites to see it.
Back to the SIM card adventure. I get to Madinat Zayed, run accross the street(not the smartest thing but whatever), ask the security guard if there is an Etisalat station and he points me in the directions. Getting the SIM card required both my passport and visa-well he accepted my visa 'cause I didn't have my entry stamp on me. The whole process took maybe 15min. Now the fun begins...I remember that the bus is running on an hour cycle so I walk to the bus stop, which is pack with men, break out my book and wait. These guys stare like they haven't food in the past week and I'm a four course meal. I, however, have mastered the art of acting as though they do not exist and stare past them or read my book. At about 9:40ish the bus arrives. I have my money in my hand a proceed to the curb. Well, someone had parked their Land Rover where the bus was to stop and there was a military bus blocking the stop as well. I attempted to get the driver's attention but failed. I had to watch as my bus rolled on past. Angry? Just a bit. So I waited another hour for the next bus. So at about 10:40ish the next bus arrived. I was sure to get on this one. I was so pleased and releaved. I settled in and read a bit and transfered numbers from one phone to the other. Well don't you know I missed my stop. I had ridden to the end of the line and was asked to get off. Mind you it was almost midnight by now. I was tired and lost. I must have looked so pathetic. I asked the driver how to get to the hotel and he gave me directions insisted it was too far to walk. I said I had no money for a cab and he let me stay on the bus till he was ready for his next round leaving at 12:40am. At about 12:50am I made it to my hotel. Dog tired...until my body hit the bed then I was wide awake. Tired but wide awake. My body really needs to get it together.
Top pic: outside of Madenat Zayed Bottom pic: the mosque right next door
Anyway, as I type this I've just finished packing up my room, dancing around(Thanks Laura Rose for the CDs). Mr. Bear is safely strapped to his carryon bag and we're leaving for Danat Jebel at 2pm. That's where I'll be till I get my furniture allowance and from the looks of the hotel ADEC can take their sweet time with that lol.
Danat Jebel Dhanna Resort
lol! I did the same thing in London. Thankfully, my stop wasn't too far from the end of the line, but it's still embarrassing! Oh well. New adventure.