Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Highlights of my day

Highlight #1: During my small group language arts lesson I had my kids divided into three groups. All focusing on letter identification or letter sound identification but with different activities. Well I was working with my high group when kept hearing raised voiced coming from the two boys at the activity for the middle level. I let it play out for a while but monitored just to see what was really going on and what would happen. I knew I could do this because one of the boys has wonderful social skills so I doubted he would let things get out of control and the other was so engaged in the activity I knew I had him. So they finally shout my name and come running to me. It turns out they were having a disagreement over the name of the letter they each had. You see I had them playing a card that would allow them to practice naming letters and matching upper& lowercase letters.

The font that ADEC has chosen to use leads to confusion when it comes lowercase u and n. While some fonts do not use a stem for the u, this one does. So the three of us walked to the alphabet line at the front of the room and carefully compared each flashcard to the u and n and came to a consensus as to which letter belong where. They later had a disagreement about lowercase h and that was easily resolved using the same strategy. This made my day. They were so actively engaged in the activity that they were having what amounts to academic debates. It warms my Kindergarten teacher heart to no end.

Highlight #2: Our PD today helped me to understand where my principal is coming from in her insisting that I not stay after 2pm(yes we're back to that again). So PD went like 1230 all the teachers, the principal, vice principal, head of faculty, the Arabic head of faculty, another supervisor and some mothers gathered in the teacher's lounge where a wonderful spread was laid out for us. Everyone kicked off their shoes and sat on the ground and ate family style. Yup. That was the beginning of PD-Breakfast with the Principal and she cooked. I'm sure if I spoke Arabic I would have gotten more out of the conversation 'cause so much is lost in translation. It was fun nonetheless. However, my American upbringing started to rear it's head. Once I was done, I wanted to get to work...sad but true. I really need to learn to relax.

Cue the second part of PD. After everyone had eaten and visited a bit we all moved to the conference room where we listened to a lecture on....Limiting Your Stress lol. They listed just about everything that causes stress. Went through how you need to take time for yourself...treat yourself. Her motto was, don't think of reasons why you can't treat yourself, think of a way to do what you really desire. Hey Mom, she even talked about keeping a journal! When they started talking about working too much ("You cannot say your work is number one") my principal looked at me and I got the message loud and clear. I get that she's afraid I will burn out and has rearranged the schedule so that I don't stay after school anymore to get this mountain of work ADEC wants done. Now I have 3 extra free periods a week. So I decided to put into practice what we talked about and when I got home I booked a cheap hotel in Dubai for the weekend and I'll be heading out right after work. Yes, I'm going to take time for me. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Who's Got Internet?

THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE!!!!  That's right no more fighting with a precarious connection via my cell. I now have internet in my home! So let's see...
Internet...check(and TV but I don't have a set yet lol)
Livingroom funiture...ensha'allah
Actual mattress...ensha'allah

Life is good! Happy President's like the Emarites do and shop till you drop.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Camels and Cars

A trip to the camel farm...errr the sewage treatment plant? Yea, so we've been teaching the kids about desert animals and  three weeks ago it was decided we would go to the camel farm. So every week I've been bugging the principal(My UAE mom-as she refers to herself lol can't tell her anything different) to schedule the trip. So the day before I ask her if we're really going. Her reply " Go to the desert and bring a camel here." She thinks she's funny. So the trip was canceled...or was it? The day of my Arabic counterpart says something to her and we're off. Into the desert to see the camels. I was so excitied. The kids were excited. I should have known something was amiss when I kept hearing the words "saharah", "ensha'allah" "shuffi"(didn't spell that one right but whatever). You guessed it, they were saying if God is willing we'll see a camel in the desert. Now this wasn't the normal if God is willing. This was a statement of the principal never contacted the camel guy so now we're taking our chances in the desert lol. We drove for about two seconds and we were in the desert. The driver for some reason thought it would be nice to take us on a tour of the sewage treatment plant! He drove through the entire thing. It was aweful. When we left we let the kids run about in the desert and see what they could find. We did see a rabbit...guess that's all God wanted us to see that day. The trip was very funny though. I saw the sense of humor my Arabic counterparts have. They kept saying "Can't you see all the camels everywhere?" and laughing. I think we had a better time than the kids did. Just another day in the UAE.

I have a car! It didn't happen how I thought it would but it happened. The whole process was eye opening about how vindictive and petty people can be. But you know what? The blessings that my God has in store for me are mine alone and no one, no matter how they try, can take them away! Now I just need to make my led foot lighten up lol

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Still Alive and Kickin'

It's been a while but I'm still here. I've left the lap of luxury and settled into Ghayathi, which I recently learned is a very well to do area(it's hard to tell a millionaire's kid they need to work hard at school or even follow the rules, hence there are no LTs teaching here anymore). Though where I am is not so much but hey just like their maids and everyone else, I am imported help...highly educated and qualified but imported help nonetheless. lol

I'm in my apartment which is big enough for me. Seriously, there are teachers here who are jealous of the apartments in Al Ain 'cause they are so big and beautiful...well from what I hear anyway but honestly my two bedroom, two bath, living room, dining room and kitchen are more than enough for 1 person. That's alot of space to clean! lol and the sand gets everywhere 'cause I'm on the ground floor. Well what do I have in my apartment you may ask...I have a stove, fridge, washer/drying combo(oh yea! all in one!)bed and a wardrobe. I'll have furniture as soon as I get a car and feel like spending the money but for now I'm good eating meals on my bed infront of my computer.

Overall, life's good. There is drama as always but it's doesn't directly involve me even though it'll impact my teaching. So until it does I'm staying as far away as possible.

Things I've learned:
-Being female here rocks!
-Being female in an abaya is even better!
-Tears still work...yup I pulled them out on a poor guy lol
-No matter what I've heard about the Arabic folks, all the ones I've met have been very nice.
-Kindergarteners are the best teachers of basic Arabic words and phrases...they're teaching me to count as well as the alphabet. It amuses the adults to no end lol
-A car is NEEDED!!! Where I am is the equivalent to Johnson City Kansas-those who know what I'm talking about feel my pain
-My principal has a good heart and a hot temper...I walk that line very well with her.
-When it's offered, take it a school bus to take me to go shopping in the middle of the school day(yea folks that happened! and I got me a washer/dryer and my Emarites ID) or the many sweets that are shoved at me everyday 'cause I'm "too small" ha!
-People are people...I take 'em as they are not as they pretend to be

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's a Conspiracy I tell you! A conspiracy!

Slight confession...I have a bit of a sweet tooth. I'm a sucker for just about anything chocolate. Generallly speaking, sweets make me melt into a puddle of pure delight. This has never really been an issue before. I grew up in a home where sweets were rare. We were not a family of snackers. Nope. We ate full meals. As an adult I always had ice cream in my home but I don't think I was overboard with it, though not all would agree. However, since moving here and getting settled into my school I fear there is a plot afoot to fatten me up!

I mean it. It feels like everywhere I turn I'm being plied with food...not wholesome nutritious food. Oh heavens no! It's all sweets. Yummy, delicous heavenly sweets. I try to say no...well after about the third one I try to say no(really! I do! lol) but that falls on deaf ears. My principal is known for keeping candies in her office and don't you dare think you're going in there without accepting one or three. lol I love these ladies. The vice principal, when we were going on about how we'll gain weight. told us that it's good when a woman has some width to her LOL. Funny thing is she's not that big.

The conspiracy continues to my hotel. I went to the cafe last night to get something light for dinner. Well I got calamari and it came out on this HUGE plate and it was so full. Well I barely made a dent in it but I was done. When the waitress came over to clearn my plate and get me the check she was not happy. She insisted that I eat something else. After telling her I was ok and just needed the check, she replied that I needed some desert. I refused. She decided that cheesecake would be good. It was like talking to a wall. So she treated me to cheesecake and tea. I didn't have the heart to turn her down again especially after she was treating me so I kinda poked at it for a while, ate around the edge and asked if I could take it to my room. She was so happy lol. I'll never know why. Honestly, I brought that cheesecake up, set it down and never looked back. I mean I cannot afford to be gaining weight! Not with the blazing sun that's about to be beating down on us in a few weeks.

Now all I need is to figure out how to dodge the treats my principal throws at us...she's got a captive audience during staff meetings-which are everyday. Pray for my poor waistline.