Sunday, February 20, 2011

Camels and Cars

A trip to the camel farm...errr the sewage treatment plant? Yea, so we've been teaching the kids about desert animals and  three weeks ago it was decided we would go to the camel farm. So every week I've been bugging the principal(My UAE mom-as she refers to herself lol can't tell her anything different) to schedule the trip. So the day before I ask her if we're really going. Her reply " Go to the desert and bring a camel here." She thinks she's funny. So the trip was canceled...or was it? The day of my Arabic counterpart says something to her and we're off. Into the desert to see the camels. I was so excitied. The kids were excited. I should have known something was amiss when I kept hearing the words "saharah", "ensha'allah" "shuffi"(didn't spell that one right but whatever). You guessed it, they were saying if God is willing we'll see a camel in the desert. Now this wasn't the normal if God is willing. This was a statement of the principal never contacted the camel guy so now we're taking our chances in the desert lol. We drove for about two seconds and we were in the desert. The driver for some reason thought it would be nice to take us on a tour of the sewage treatment plant! He drove through the entire thing. It was aweful. When we left we let the kids run about in the desert and see what they could find. We did see a rabbit...guess that's all God wanted us to see that day. The trip was very funny though. I saw the sense of humor my Arabic counterparts have. They kept saying "Can't you see all the camels everywhere?" and laughing. I think we had a better time than the kids did. Just another day in the UAE.

I have a car! It didn't happen how I thought it would but it happened. The whole process was eye opening about how vindictive and petty people can be. But you know what? The blessings that my God has in store for me are mine alone and no one, no matter how they try, can take them away! Now I just need to make my led foot lighten up lol

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