Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Growth and Development

Making friends is a skill I've never been good at. Those that I have and hold dear is through no charm, wit or openness on my part. The people I have in my life that I count as friends have become such through their wit, charm, openness and patience. I was a slow to warm up child who grew up to be a cautious adult. I rely on my internal compass when entering into new relationships and it's never lead me astry...the only failures have been when I wilfully override this very reliable device which has always led to headaches and occassional heartaches.

Now that I'm so far away from those dear friends I've realized two things. First, I NEED to be a better friend. It's so not ok to go months without talking. It's not ok to be completely unaware of the flavor of the month or when that flavor of the month turns into a soulmate. It's not ok. I'm working on getting better at that even though my ladies know how I am...smh. Second, I need to be open to new relationships. Yes life gets in the way but it just means I must be for intentional about these things. Again I'm being blessed with people who are wiggling their way into my life. I need to take the time to nurture these budding relationships HOWEVER I also need to let that compass guide me and not drown it out. All this reflection has been sparked by Katie Couric lol never thought she would ever impact my life but that book is something else.
Thanks Katie...

Monday, September 26, 2011

R-E-S-P-E-C-T! (in my Aretha voice)

I don't like conflict. Confrontation makes me queasy. I know I can be very passive but at the same time I've not one to be trampled over. Today when confronted with a most unprofessional coworker I was waited the recommended cooling off period, thought through what it was that bothered me, the changes I needed to see made and how to approach her while remaining calm. Now when the incident occured my gut instinct was to take her on then and there. To put her in her place. I'm proud to say I fought the strong as it was. 'Cause my people she was DEAD WRONG! You don't BLAME other's for YOUR mistakes!!!!

Interestingly (or should I say to the surprise of no one) enough when I finally talked to her, alone(giving her the professional courtesy she denied us), she instinctively put up her defences and stood her ground refusing to listen to what I was saying. I finally shook my head and returned to my task...I refuse to talk to brick walls. That's just insane. However, for some reason that caused her to relent and say she'll trying harder to be more sensitive. It was not sincere at all...I was so disgusted. I told her to just continue to be her and clearly my concerns were not important. I put my headphones back on and went back to completing the paperwork I was working on. I'm not going to fight with anyone. It's not worth it. I know how the game goes and I can play it very well. I'm very skilled at blocking out the unpleasant and focusing on the positive. I'm so glad I have Sherine(our music teacher). She's full of life and makes me smile no matter what!

I pity her though. She's not making any allies over here. Fear is not respect but it seems she prefers fear. Too bad for her, she has neither from me. I can't think of anyone I actually fear and she surely won't be the first! Either way I know I'm dealing with her and everyone(good, bad and everything in between) else to prepare me for whatever it is the next step of this journey has in store for me. I'm really starting to think more seriously about my next steps...not any time soon mind you but still...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So the battles begin...

Today was a day of ongoing battles. They began bright and early and lasted till it was time for us to leave. In fact I'm convinced they're still raging on as I sit here in the stillness of my living room. What are these battles? The new lesson plan format our HoF wants everyone to complete. The duty schedule for breakfast and recess. The daily schedule. It raged allllllll morning and I did what I know how to do best. I STAYED OUT OF IT. It's not my issue nor my business. It's above my pay grade. And honestly when push comes to shove, these things have got to get taken care of by someone. Do I like the rediculously detailed lesson plan we have to complete? No! I do it 'cause it really does help you to organize your thoughts and focus the instruction better. It holds you accountable for ensuring whatever you're doing is based on the ADEC outcomes. This isn't so important for me since I'm accustomed to teaching this way but it's needed for our coteachers as they learn this new method of teaching. Do I like the school schedule? Eh. It's not terrible 'cause my coteacher and I are seeing what works and altering to fit our class. So I don't really care what the overall schedule says. Do I like the breakfast and recess schedule? Nope. I've always hated duty. ALWAYS! In undergrad I found the one duty I didn't mind and another girl and I switched whenever I had the duty she wanted and vice versa...terrible I know lol The point is all duty was covered. So here, like at Shepherd, I'll do by job when it comes to duty, I won't enjoy it but I'll do it the best I can 'cause it's part of the job.

Overall I just stayed very low key today 'cause from 5am I had a growing headache that turned into a full on migraine by the time I made it home. Now it's only on one side of my head.

In other news. I ran into the wife of the current grade 1 boys teacher and she told me her husband wants to take me out to dinner. Why? My boys are doing us proud over there. They've recalled the English they learned last year but most importantly they're ready to learn. They remember what the business of school is and how to act appropriately-something I'm sure all my Cycle 1 teachers over here have horror stories about. That just made my day. It's nice to know all the hard work paid off. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What helps...

I've rarely complained on this blog 'cause honestly that's not it's purpose. Also it really doesn't take much to please me and having been out here I've learned I really don't need much. I'm watching as folks jokey for positions of "power" and try to outwit the system...smh I do wish them well in achieving whatever it is that will make them happy or content or find peace in the very unique place. As for me, my little apartment in my little town is serving me just fine. I thought I wanted to move to Ruwais but I'm very content with my not so pretty town that's also very far away from the new oil refinery unlike lovely Ruwais. There's always a plan in place and I'm learning to just trust that it will unfold as it's meant to. Not everything is worth fighting for.

Our Lunch Guest

Today we had a guest for lunch.

The KG1 kids were being moved from their table 'cause of the visitor on the ceiling.

While this little guys caused the teachers to freak out the kids barely noticed. The KG1 babies are still nursing their aching hearts at the loss of their mother/nannies for 4 hours of their daily life and KG2 kids were far more amused by bothering each other lol. The ladies and I kept close watch on our little visitor who didn't move an inch.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 and it's the first day of school

Today was the first day of school. I think we had a grand total of 13-16 kids show up(that's in the entire school). They'll trickle in I'm told. The monther's and nannies were actually very good about leaving the kids to mingle and get accustomed to the teachers. My class was made up largely of returning kids so our transition was very smooth...that is once we were allowed into the classrooms. We spent the first hour and a half in the assembly room letting the kids play. By the time we went to breakfast at 9am one of my kids asked when we're going to start studying. She was ready! My kinda girl! lol Once in the room all my fears about how my co-teacher Aida would be on the first day(she is the biggest softy in the school) were put to rest. We tag teamed very well. Everything was done in Arabic and English. Though I am going to have to make her come to the front of the room or take the lead more 'cause she's following my lead, which she's supposed to do, but there are things that need to be presented in their mother tongue first then followed up with their second language. We'll work it out. All in all it was a great day.

I must say that when I woke up this morning on 9/11 and put on my abaya for work, for the first time in a decade this day did not hold great sadness. I was eager. I was happy. For the first time on 9/11 I didn't relive the moment those planes changed my world and the terror I felt knowing my sister and mother were flying from the east coast home to Kansas. You know that day 10 years ago I had a faint awareness of the middle east and of Arabic people. Today, I looked into the eyes of children, mothers and a few father, teachers and administrators, Muslim and Christian-we were all excited and/or scared. It was the first day of Kindergarten. I've looked at those same eyes in the US, seen and felt those same first day emotions. We're not so different. On 9/11 a decade ago the Arabic world came into crashing into my world with violence and fear. Today I recieved a beautiful abaya from the two ladies I worked with. I have no idea why but I love it. Today the Arabic world is a part of my world, with all it's kindness, focus on family and flaws.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's the night before school...

Tomorrow is the first day of school. To get ready I've done my nails, watched a few movies and cleaned my apartment 'cause frankly I've come to know that very little will be within my control. Where I would normally have made helper tags with each student's name, picked out the books I would be reading for the first day and gone over how to introduce the classroom rules and routines, I've done none of this. The class list we were given is about as solid as anything else in this place...very changeable. I have a rough idea of what we've planned but I'm told the mothers will try and stay all day and we may actually only have the kids for an hour in the classroom...even that isn't set. If they cry too much they will be sent home early. The first two weeks the kids will leave at 11am so their day will run from 745(or whenever they arrive)-11. I attempted to introduce rules/routines for the first day but my co-teacher freaked at the idea so that's been moved to Monday. So I'm happy doing my nails and watching rediculous movies today. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The troops have arrived...

I have such great hope for this school year. Not only are the incoming LTs to my school great but there are going to be more than 8 other English speaking people in my sleepy little town! Yay! I'm so excited! I've met most of the group coming out here and I'm looking forward to karaoke nights lol since one of the girls coming out has a machine. Oh yea...tons of loud, words missing, off pitch singing will be happening. It's also nice that most of the folks coming out to Ghayathi seem pretty laid back...well as laid back as one can be moving to a place such as this. I'm no longer hoping to move to Ruwais with the incoming company. Well that and I do so hate moving and with the opening of the new road to Ruwais I won't have to fight the semis as all in all things are looking up over here.

I had a few visitors today, completely unexpected but at least they were able to tour the apartment. I think they were surprised by the size of the place. We have tons of space over here but it's the country. We have nothing but sand, camels and space.

I'm so excited about what is ahead on this UAE adventure. It's never boring that's for sure. I've learned though that I have a great ability to ignore most of the unpleasant things that happen while hounding ADEC or whomever till I get what I need. This combo along with an ability to be amused and pleased by the simplest things have made me very happy in my little desert home.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kisses and Cookies

Day 1 of work consisted of cookies courtesy of Rhaham, kisses all around, Araglish(Arabic/English) chit chat about who had babies(everyone had boys) and LT hunting. The bulk of my oh so grueling 4 hour day was spent on facebook trying to make contact with the LTs my principal was sent...Facebook is awesome. Had I not had that I would have been oh so bored. My brain can only process so much Arabic at a time and likewise for the ladies and my English. In fact I would speak to them in English and the replies would come in Arabic lol With a bit of discrenment I could follow the conversation but that take so much brain power.

Tomorrow our very eager LTs are supposed to show up. These ladies are planning on commuting 4hours round trip everyday till they get housing...they are better than I. I surely had no thoughts of any such thing when I arrived in December. Ah well we'll see what the rest of the week brings...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Back in the habit

Tomorrow is the first day of work. Unlike every other first day of work I have no idea what to expect tomorrw. It's kinda nice, which is so very odd for someone who doesn't do well with change(I really do need to stop sayin that 'cause I keep changing up my life constantly lol). Anyway, I've spent the past few days prepping for what I would like to do this school year and mourning the loss of my books. Oh well...