Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So the battles begin...

Today was a day of ongoing battles. They began bright and early and lasted till it was time for us to leave. In fact I'm convinced they're still raging on as I sit here in the stillness of my living room. What are these battles? The new lesson plan format our HoF wants everyone to complete. The duty schedule for breakfast and recess. The daily schedule. It raged allllllll morning and I did what I know how to do best. I STAYED OUT OF IT. It's not my issue nor my business. It's above my pay grade. And honestly when push comes to shove, these things have got to get taken care of by someone. Do I like the rediculously detailed lesson plan we have to complete? No! I do it 'cause it really does help you to organize your thoughts and focus the instruction better. It holds you accountable for ensuring whatever you're doing is based on the ADEC outcomes. This isn't so important for me since I'm accustomed to teaching this way but it's needed for our coteachers as they learn this new method of teaching. Do I like the school schedule? Eh. It's not terrible 'cause my coteacher and I are seeing what works and altering to fit our class. So I don't really care what the overall schedule says. Do I like the breakfast and recess schedule? Nope. I've always hated duty. ALWAYS! In undergrad I found the one duty I didn't mind and another girl and I switched whenever I had the duty she wanted and vice versa...terrible I know lol The point is all duty was covered. So here, like at Shepherd, I'll do by job when it comes to duty, I won't enjoy it but I'll do it the best I can 'cause it's part of the job.

Overall I just stayed very low key today 'cause from 5am I had a growing headache that turned into a full on migraine by the time I made it home. Now it's only on one side of my head.

In other news. I ran into the wife of the current grade 1 boys teacher and she told me her husband wants to take me out to dinner. Why? My boys are doing us proud over there. They've recalled the English they learned last year but most importantly they're ready to learn. They remember what the business of school is and how to act appropriately-something I'm sure all my Cycle 1 teachers over here have horror stories about. That just made my day. It's nice to know all the hard work paid off. 

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