Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not my will but thine be done...

At my school there has been alot of controversy over the selection of our Arabic Head of Faculty. I've just been waiting to know who I'll be working with but the ladies have been doing battle. One in particular was absolutely livid about the initial choice and was not afraid to make her views known to any and everyone. She and I spoke multiple times about the rational for our principal's selection but she was not satisfied. Well yesterday, during our National Day program, she and I had a conversation about faith. She told me that she was now at peace with whatever decision our prinicpal made. Why? She had prayed. She told me "There is a prayer we make about what is good for us. We ask Allah to do what is good for us. I prayed it three times and now I am ok." I explained to her that we Christians also have the same prayer. I explained that also believe in God's will for our life above our own. We then talked about how difficult that prayer can be when you REALLY want something but how we just do not know that grand plan for our lives. We talked about how you end up exactly where you are meant to be, even when it isn't where you want to be. It was a wonderful conversation. I absolutely love when I have these random and bridge building moments with my ladies.

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