Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The road less traveled

Well I've been here for one month shy of a full year and I guess it must be time for the next phase in my adventure over here. I didn't want to talk about it for fear it would disappear lol but now it's official. I've been asked to leave the classroom and work as the English Head of Faculty for my school. This is such a wonderful opportunity and I gladly accepted. In the past I've always shyed away from any role that would take me out of the classroom 'cause I do soooooooo looooovvvveee teaching but it's time. When I think back, this position(or one similar to it) has come my way twice before and each time I've walked away. I've always wanted to be sure that I had a firm enough grasp of my craft because when I am questioned, as I know I'll be by my ladies, I need to feel that I speak from a place of theory as well as application. I've been in the trenches with these ladies and I know how their minds work. I know they'll question and push me and frankly I look forward to it 'cause they did the same when I was an LT. I love that they're open enough with me to question. I love that they're also willing to really listen to what I have to say. They trust my intentions are good and I think that will take me a long way. Our leaving Head of Faculty was a pittbull but she knew her stuff and got us to where we are. Now I can help us get to the next level in providing the best possible education for our kids. I'm so pleased and all fear has gone away. I am ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

Again I am reminded that the Big Man Upstairs really is listening. For the past few months my mantra has been "I am open to all the possibilities God has in store for me." Not asking for anything specific just fighting the fear that often accompanies change. 'Cause as much as I am not a fan of change(says the girl who packed up her life to move accross the world lol) I hate being stagnant even more. So here I go, stepping out on faith...faith in my God and my education gained from years of study and application.